Control Of Substances Hazardous to Health (COSHH) Awareness

Control Of Substances Hazardous to Health (COSHH) Awareness
ENS Training
All Skill Levels

About this course

We think you'll be quite surprised to find out how many hazardous substances are around you every day and how much harm they can cause. This course will look at your responsibilities at work and what you can do to keep yourself and the people around you safe. Join us on a thrilling adventure into the world of COSHH.

Learning Outcomes:

  • What are substances hazardous to health?
  • What harm can hazardous substances do?
  • Awareness of the legislation
  • 8 steps to working with COSHH
  • Identifying hazard symbols
  • Assessing risk
  • Controlling risk
  • Getting help and useful resources