Basic Life Support PracticalPractical TrainingThe course aims to enable candidates to take charge of the situation when a person is injured or...
6,773 views 22 bookmarks0 Credits
Care Planning and Record KeepingMandatory TrainingHow to Handle Information in the workplace
4,616 views 16 bookmarks1 Credit
CommunicationCare CertificateTo understand how to communicate efficiently in the workplace
5,746 views 23 bookmarks1 Credit
Dealing With Personal Care & Continence CareMandatory TrainingDealing With Personal Care & Continence Care
563 views 0 bookmarks1 Credit
Dementia AwarenessMandatory TrainingTo have an awareness of Dementia
5,777 views 31 bookmarks1 Credit
Diabetes AwarenessMandatory TrainingTo have an awareness of Diabetes
5,361 views 25 bookmarks1 Credit
Duty of CareCare CertificateTo understand how Duty of Care affects you
4,422 views 19 bookmarks1 Credit
Emergency First Aid/Basic Life SupportCare CertificateTo understand the roles and responsibilities of First Aid and Basic Life Support
7,018 views 40 bookmarks2 Credits
Epilepsy AwarenessMandatory TrainingTo have an awareness of Epilepsy
3,261 views 12 bookmarks1 Credit
Equality & DiversityCare CertificateAn elearning course covering equality and diversity.
4,713 views 16 bookmarks1 Credit
Fire AwarenessMandatory TrainingFire Awareness Training
1,313 views 2 bookmarks1 Credit
Fluids and NutritionCare CertificateTo understand the importance of Fluids and Nutrition
4,702 views 23 bookmarks1 Credit
GDPR - CarerMandatory TrainingTo have an understanding of General Data Protection Regulation
7,035 views 21 bookmarks1 Credit
Health, Safety and WelfareMandatory TrainingTo understand the importance of Fire, Health and Safety
6,458 views 34 bookmarks1 Credit
Infection Prevention and ControlMandatory TrainingThe importance of Infection Prevention and Control
5,001 views 22 bookmarks1 Credit
Information GovernanceMandatory TrainingInformation Governance
576 views 0 bookmarks1 Credit
Level 2 Food Hygiene TrainingMandatory TrainingThis course covers the basic principles of food safety and food hygiene
5,206 views 22 bookmarks1 Credit
Lone WorkerMandatory TrainingLone working Awareness
619 views 0 bookmarks1 Credit
Manual HandlingMandatory TrainingTo have an understanding and awareness of Manual Handling
7,414 views 37 bookmarks2 Credits
MCA and DOLsMandatory TrainingTo have an understanding of the Mental Capacity Act
6,468 views 31 bookmarks1 Credit
Medication AwarenessMandatory TrainingThis course covers how to administer medication safely
11,474 views 91 bookmarks1 Credit
Mental Health, Dementia and Learning DisabilitiesCare CertificateTo understand the importance of mental health and other conditions
4,176 views 18 bookmarks1 Credit
Oliver McGowan TrainingMandatory TrainingNHS Oliver McGowan eLearning Training
2,859 views 17 bookmarks0 Credits
Oral HealthMandatory TrainingUnderstand the importance of oral health and the potential effect on their general health,...
3,478 views 18 bookmarks1 Credit
Person Centred CareMandatory TrainingTo understand how to work in a person centred way
3,694 views 12 bookmarks1 Credit
Positive Behavioural SupportMandatory TrainingLearn and understand what Positive Behavioural Support is.
4,266 views 18 bookmarks1 Credit
Privacy and DignityCare CertificateTo understand Privacy and Dignity in a care setting.
3,959 views 13 bookmarks1 Credit
Radicalisation and PreventMandatory TrainingRadicalisation and Prevent
818 views 5 bookmarks1 Credit
Safeguarding AdultsMandatory TrainingTo understand the importance of Safeguarding Adults
7,055 views 34 bookmarks2 Credits
Safeguarding ChildrenMandatory TrainingTo understand the importance of Safeguarding Children.
5,742 views 19 bookmarks1 Credit
Understanding you Role, Personal Development & Duty of CareCare CertificateUnderstand Your Role, Your Personal Development, Duty of Care
1,790 views 1 bookmark0 Credits
Understanding your RoleCare CertificateUnderstanding your role within the workplace
3,040 views 10 bookmarks1 Credit
Working in a Person Centred WayCare CertificateWorking in a Person centred Way
554 views 0 bookmarks1 Credit
Your Personal DevelopmentCare CertificateHow to use personal development plans to develop your skills, knowledge and understanding.
3,185 views 8 bookmarks1 Credit