Conflict Resolution

Conflict Resolution
ENS Training
All Skill Levels

About this course

Managing conflict in the workplace can be time-consuming but an essential task for any leader. Conflicts can exist between health and social care workers, between the multi-disciplinary teams, between the staff or the care team and the resident or residents’ family. The conflicts may range from disagreements to serious disagreements that may lead to violence or litigation. 


Conflicts have an adversarial effect on productivity, morale, and an individual's care. They may result in high employee turnover certainly limit staff contributions and hinder effectiveness. 


Litigation is now freely available for those who feel that they are working in a harsh work environment. The hostile environment may be the result of abusive behaviour by other employees, managers, or other members of the care sector. An organisation can now hold liability for overlooking a hostile work environment if it fails to act when a complaint is made. 


In this course, we will look at the types of conflict within the health and social care sector and how to best deal with it in an efficient, productive and successful way.